Natural Cure for Feline Hypothyroidism

Feline Hypothyroidism in cats is typically not a life threatening condition; however it can decrease your cats overall quality of life. Luckily, there are natural treatments that can help alleviate the problem. The thyroid gland secretes two hormones; thyroxin and triodothyronnine. These hormones regulate your cat’s metabolism and digestive system. Too few of these hormones can cause a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in the cat’s energy level.


Signs and Symptoms

Some of the basic things you will notice if your cat is suffering from this condition include: 

  • Weight gain even if the same amount of food is being consumed.
  • Lethargy
  • Dull mental responses.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Hair becomes dull looking and matted.
  • Skin is itchy and flaky.
  • Cat may stop using the litter box.

Causes of the Condition

This condition can be caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland, general aging or the cat’s auto-immune system may be attacking the thyroid gland causing it to produce less hormones.

Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Although there are medical and surgical procedures for extreme cases, there are also natural remedies that have shown good results. They are being used more and more because they can stimulate the thyroid glands to increase the production of hormones without leading to excessive production which some conventional treatments can. Excess production of the hormones can cause a more serious illness called hyperthyroidism. 

These are the best natural treatments for this condition:

  • Feed a natural diet when your cat is suffering from this condition. (See link below)
  • Kelp a sea vegetable that contains vitamins and minerals also contains organic iodine. The iodine can help stimulate the thyroid gland to increase production of the hormone.

Kelp can be found in it’s natural form, which will be difficult to get your cat to eat, so it is probably best to use the liquid form of kelp that you can get at most health food stores. Give it to your cat according to the directions with a dropper. If you feel that you are able to give your cat pills, kelp also comes in tablet form. 

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